Kingsville Independent School District

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Welcome to Kingsville ISD!! Once a Brahma, Always a Brahma!
Mr. André Jose Barrera, MS/BBA CIS » Teacher-Guided Online Learning Platforms for Students:

Teacher-Guided Online Learning Platforms for Students:


Great Minds:

Users please log in through the ClassLink SSO or by going to and clicking the ClassLink log in button.
Need Help with Digital Tools?
Great Minds Help Center
Great Minds Contact Us 
Adding Admin and Multi-Role Users for ClassLink 

Need ClassLink Help? 

ClassLink Tips for Great Minds Customers  ???????
Help Center - Note: You may need to log in to your ClassLink account to access their Help Center. 
Email: [email protected] 
Help Desk phone: (888) 963 7550, x-1 


         Amplify/mClass Helpful Resources:

  • Attend a live webinar:  Register now to join our series of live onboarding webinars Hosted by experts to gain practical knowledge and insights for a smooth integration with Amplify technology.
  • Check your inbox: Customized emails will arrive in your inbox with step-by-step instructions for each stage of the process. Timely task completion and information submission are vital to achieving on-time access. 
  • Take the self-paced onboarding course: Get familiar with all phases of the onboarding process and access useful tools, at your own pace. 
  • Visit the digital onboarding hub at Find helpful articles, videos, and events to support your onboarding journey, right at your fingertips.
Unlock the power of IXL!
Set up
Set up your roster—classroom license  
Start here if you have a trial account or a classroom license.
Set up your roster—site license  
Start here if you are part of a school-wide license.
Get your students started  
Introduce your students to fun, meaningful learning on IXL.
Getting started
Discover Analytics  
Help your students reach their full potential with reports that are more than just numbers.
Explore the Real-Time Diagnostic  
Get an accurate, up-to-the-minute portrait of each and every student.
Meet your state's standards  
Learn how IXL provides the tools you need to prepare your students for state testing.
Implementation guides
IXL for Daily Instruction  
Check out our 3-step guide to using IXL to reinforce lessons and check for understanding.
IXL for Diagnostic Assessment  
Learn how to uncover student knowledge levels and get personalized action plans for growth.
See all guides  
Discover simple, effective ways to use IXL in your classroom.
Full guide
Complete guide  
Take an in-depth look—a detailed guide to all of IXL's features.
Complimentary Professional Learning Resource - Imagine Edgenuity:
Welcome Imagine Edgenuity Users
Resources to support educator and student success (Click here).
For New Teachers: 
Log in with the credentials provided by your administrator and take time to get familiar with your role within Imagine Edgenuity (Click Here)
For Returning teachers:
Log in with your credentials and explore courses that were updated from the previous year (Click Here)
Establishing User Groups:
Organize students into groups. This is helpful when enrolling your class in a course, or viewing reports based on the students in your group (Click Here)
Class Gradebook:
Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the Gradebook so you can provide feedback to your students as soon as they start working in the system.  
Enrolling Students in Courses:
Assign student(s) to a course.  One Student: (Click Here) or Multiple Students (Click Here
Where can I access, view, and grade work completed by a student?
Accessing a Student's Gradebook (Click Here)
Resetting an Activity (Click Here)
Where can I find more information on how my students are performing as a group?
  Class Gradebook (Click Here)
  Accessing Classroom Data- Test (Click Here)
  Accessing Classroom Data- Quiz (Click Here)
  Accessing Classroom Data- Activities (Click Here)
Monitoring Students:
What are some ways to monitor my group of students?
  # Dashboard (Click Here)
  # Alerts on the Dashboard (Orange) - (Yellow) - (Red
  # Managing Current Sessions (Click Here)
(1.) Eduphoria Strive Campus Principle & Administrator Training Module (Click Here).
(2.)Strive for Course Managers & Instructors (Click Here)
(3.) Eduphoria Aware/Strive/Forethought & Formspace Training (Click Here)
Navigating HMH's Learning Platform, Ed:
Take a Tour:
Watch this video above to take a tour of the CLI Engage tools and resources available. The video will show you all the components of the main Dashboard and where you can locate important information to support teachers, administrators, directors, and early childhood educators.
CLI Engage Quick Start Guide:
Download the Quick Start Guide to learn where you can access all of the resources on CLI Engage!
Classroom Resources on CLI Engage:
Find all the resources to support your classroom, organized by age group! Explore our progress monitoring tools, professional development resources, instructional plans with targeted interventions, family engagement resources, and more. Classroom Resources by Age Group: Birth to 3, Pre-K and Head Start, Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2.
The Circle Progress Monitoring (CPM) online toolkit has been curated to meet the needs of those working in pre-K settings, and who support a variety of educators and leaders within their regions. This “one-stop shop” offers pre-K programs the ability to locate a variety of materials and resources, each tailored to support understanding and implementation of CPM.
Overview of Circle Progress Monitoring (CPM)

The Circle Progress Monitoring System (formerly known as C-PALLS+), is a user-friendly, technology-driven tool that enables a teacher to quickly assess a child’s progress in a particular skill area. This simple yet reliable data collection prompts teachers to focus on lessons that target their students’ least developed skills.
The Circle Progress Monitoring System:
    • is on the current Commissioner’s List of Approved Prekindergarten Progress Monitoring Instruments
    • is available at no cost to Texas public prekindergarten teachers and programs eligible for the TSR Online program
    • provides significant flexibility in administration, including choice of measures and timing of assessments
    • provides links to Circle activities that target specific skills based on assessment results
    • includes a wide range of reporting features instantly accessible
    • demonstrated high reliability and validity in multiple research studies
    • click here to continue reading about the Circle Progress Monitoring program...
The Pre-K and Head Start Classroom resources page provides extensive information about how to use the tools and resources on CLI Engage in classrooms with 3- and 4-year-olds.
Pre-K and Head Start Classroom Resources:
Your one-stop shop for all CLI Engage resources for Pre-K!
Find all the resources to support your prekindergarten program in one spot! Explore our screening and progress monitoring tools, professional development resources, instructional plans with targeted interventions, family engagement resources and more!
Quick Start Guide:
You’ll find all the information needed to get started with the tools and resources on CLI Engage by accessing this simple 2-page, printable document.
Getting started with Google Classroom
Learn how to use Classroom to manage coursework, organize assignments, boost collaboration, and foster better communication. Get started today with resources, tips, and tricks from the educator community.
Explore topics one-by-one:
Getting Started with SAVVAS Realize:
How Students Connect Google Classroom to SAVVAS:

Unlinking Google Classroom from SAVVAS Realize:
Linking/Connecting your SAVVAS class to Google Classroom:
(If you see that the import option selection that appears, do not select it, skip selecting it)
Adding SAVVAS Products to your rostered classes in SAVVAS EasyBridge:
Adding SAVVAS Products to your Teacher Account:
Assigning an Assignment to Students in SAVVAS Realize:
SAVVAS Realize: Automatic Student Grouping:
We currently have 10 Product Licenses with SAVVAS/EasyBridge (See images below for Licenses Available):
SAVVAS Learning Products Image 001
SAVVAS Learning Products Image 001
Website Login: (Click Here):
Viewing Student Work in Holt McDougal:
Holt McDougal Tutorial:
Accessing the Avancemos Spanish Textbook & Workbook Pages Online:
The TEKS Resource System team is continually working to provide all viable curricular and assessment components. The curriculum of the TEKS Resource System aligns with state-adopted standards, including content connections, formative and summative assessment items, and support resources: (C-Scope)
This video covers utilizing a district's McGraw Hill Assignment Sync and Grade Pass-back integration within Google Classroom:  (Note:  This feature is currently WIP)
McGraw Hill Assignment Sync and Grade Passback Instructions - Google Classroom:
Instructions as a PDF here:
or online here:
(1.) Microsoft Office Specialist - Word 2019: (Click Here)
(2.) Microsoft Office Specialist - Excel 2019: (Click Here)
(3.) Microsoft Office Specialist - PowerPoint 2019: (Click Here)
(4.) Microsoft Office Specialist - Outlook 2019: (Click Here)
(5.)Microsoft Office Specialist - Access 2019: (Click Here
(6.) Microsoft Certified Educator Program (MCE): (Click Here)
Follett-Destiny Library Manager eCourse: (Click Here)
15 Required Training Modules for All Employees: (Must be completed by 11/29/2024)
(01.) Mental Health SB460: Part 3 Training Program: (Click Here)
(02.) Sexual Harassment for Educators Training Program: (Click Here)
(03.) Preparing for an Active Shooter Training Program: (Click Here)
(04.) Suicide Awareness & Prevention Training Program: (Click Here)
(05.) Slips, Trips & Falls in Schools Training Program: (Click Here)
(06.) Human Trafficking Awareness Training Program: (Click Here)
(07.) HIPAA In Schools Training Program: (Click Here)
(08.) Cyberbullying-David's Law Training Program: (Click Here)
(09.) FERPA and PPRA in Schools Training Program: (Click Here)
(10.) Customer Service in Schools Training Program: (Click Here)
(11.) Child Maltreatment Responsibilities Training Program: (Click Here)
(12.) Bloodborne Pathogens Training Program: (Click Here)
(13.) Mental Health SB460: Part 1 Training Program: (Click Here)
(14.) Mental Health SB460: Part 2 Training Program: (Click Here)
(15.) Cybersecurity Training Program: (Click Here)

Training Modules:
(01.) Substitute Essentials/Survival Guide: (Click Here)
THL 3.0: Getting started with Carnegie Learning's Texas Math Solution:
Getting Started with MATHia:
Add MATHia Classes & Assignments:
Texas Math Solution: Getting Started:
Texas Math Solution: Implementation Support:
Navigating the MATHia Content Browser:
6 -12 Carnegie Learning Math Solutions Product Session:
000 - Getting Started with Summit K12:
TELPAS Connect to Literacy English Language Development Courses Below:
001 - TELPAS Course Overview - Course Introduction:
002 - TELPAS - Course Overview - Student Management:
003 - TELPAS - Course Overview - Customer Support:
004 - TELPAS - Course Overview - Combined Reports for L,S,R, W:
TELPAS Course Overview Average Score and Completion Certificate Videos Below:
005 - TELPAS - Listening & Speaking - (Module 1 - Teachers Guide):
006 - TELPAS - Listening & Speaking - ( Module 2 - Progress Monitoring Assessments)
007 - TELPAS- Listening & Speaking - ((Module 3 - Personalized Learning Plans (PLP)):
008 - TELPAS - Listening-Speaking (Module 4 -The Basics)
009 - TELPAS - Listening-Speaking - ((Module 5 - Differentiated Practice with Artificial Intelligence (AI))

010 - TELPAS - Listening-Speaking - (Module 6 - TELPAS Readiness Listening)
011 - TELPAS - Listening-Speaking - (Module 7 - TELPAS Readiness Speaking)
012 - TELPAS - Listening-Speaking - (Module 8 - Listening Speaking K-1)
013 - TELPAS - Listening & Speaking - (Module 9 - Listening Speaking Reports)
TELPAS Listening-Speaking Average Score and Completion Certificate Video Trainings Below:
014 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 1 - Teacher's Guide)
015 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 2 - Progress Monitoring Assessments)
016 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 3 - Personalized Learning Plans)
017 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 4 - TELPAS Readiness Reading)
018 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 5 - TEKS Editing Skills)
019 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 6 - TELPAS Holistic Writing Practice)
020 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 7 - Readiness Writing)
021 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 8 - Differentiated Writing Practice)
022 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 9 - Reading Writing for K-1)
023 - TELPAS - Reading & Writing - (Module 10 - Reading Writing Reports)
  • Asynchronous Training Modules within Summit K12: (Click Here)
  • How to Assign Summit K12 Activities: (Click Here)
  • How to Pause an Assessment: (Click Here)
  • Accommodations on Summit K12: (Click Here)
  • Teachers - Recommended Summit K12 Class Set Up for Grades K-5: (Click Here)
  • Teachers - Recommended Summit K12 Class Set Up for Grades 6-12: (Click Here)
Implementation Guides - TELPAS: (Click Here)
Understanding Personalized Learning Plans/Connect to Literacy: (Click Here)
What is the MAP Growth test? (2024 Edition):
How to prepare for MAP Growth: A teacher's guide to the day of the test:
Setting Student Goals with MAP Growth:
Engaging Students in Goal Setting and Monitoring Progress:
This video provides a guided overview of each component of the new TEKS Guide:
What are the TEKS?
The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do in each subject and grade level. The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) has legislative authority to adopt the TEKS for each subject of the required curriculum. The SBOE periodically reviews and revises the TEKS for each subject area. To learn more about the process and timelines for review and revision of the TEKS please visit

Download the "Reading Language Arts TEKS Guide - user’s guide" (Here).