Kingsville Independent School District

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Welcome to Kingsville ISD!! Once a Brahma, Always a Brahma!
Mrs. Sonia Castillo » 100 Words of Praise

100 Words of Praise


Wow * Way to go * Super * You’re special * Outstanding * Excellent * Great * Good * Neat * Well Done * Remarkable * I knew you could do it * I’m proud of you * Fantastic * Superstar

* Nice work * Looking good * You’re on top of it * Beautiful * Now you’re flying * You’re catching on * Now you’ve got it * You’re incredible * Bravo * You’re fantastic * Hurray for you * You’re on the target * You’re on your way * How nice * How smart * Good job * That’s incredible * Hot dog * Dynamite * Your beautiful * You’re unique * Nothing can stop you now * Good for you * I like you * You’re darling * You’re a winner * Re- markable job * Beautiful Work * Spectacular * You’re spectacular

* Your precious * Great discovery * You’ve discovered the secret

* You figured it out * Fantastic job * Hip hip hurray * Bingo * Magnificent * Terrific * You’re important * Youre sensational * Super work * Creative job * Super job * Fantastic job * Excep- tional performance * You’re a real trooper * What a great kid * Phenomenal * You are responsible * You are exciting * You learned it right * What an imagination * What a good listener * You are fun * You tried hard * You care * Beautiful sharing * Outstanding performance * You’re a good friend * I trust you * You’re important * You mean a lot to me * You make me happy

* You belong * You’ve got a friend * You make me laugh * You brighten my day * I respect you * You mean the world to me * That’s correct * You’re a joy * You’re a treasure * You’re wonder- ful * You’re perfect * Awesome * A+ job * You’re A-OK * You’re my buddy * You’re growing up * You made my day *

That’s the best * I am impressed * I Love You *


A smile is worth 1000 words!