Kingsville Independent School District

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Welcome to Kingsville ISD!! Once a Brahma, Always a Brahma!
Public Relations » Social Media

Social Media

Public Relations is at the forefront of exploring and using new forms of communication to reach our key publics within the growing social media realm. Online web presence is a key component to critical communication and more people tune in to the web for news.

Our goal as a department is to continue with and grow our active online communities and networks.

KISD has expanded their online presence. Aside from the district website, the PR Office manages all social media outlets; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest.

We encourage our students, parents, faculty and staff to join KISD in exploring this new social media craze. We update our social media pages daily to keep our audience up-to-date with all KISD happenings.

To keep our social media fresh, we offer a variety of social media projects for you to get involved in. Check in daily to keep up with our on-going social media projects.