Course Description
As per the Texas Education Agency: “The English language arts and reading Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) embody the interconnected nature of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking through the seven integrated strands of developing and sustaining foundational language skills; comprehension; response; multiple genres; author's purpose and craft; composition; and inquiry and research. The strands focus on academic oracy (proficiency in oral expression and comprehension), authentic reading, and reflective writing to ensure a literate Texas. The strands are integrated and progressive with students continuing to develop knowledge and skills with increased complexity and nuance in order to think critically and adapt to the ever-evolving nature of language and literacy.” For more information on English II TEKS, visit
Classroom Expectations— these are behaviors I expect from you everyday and behaviors you should expect from each other and from me.
Class Facts— these are simple absolute truths in my classroom; understanding them will help you make wise decisions
Grading— this is information on my implementation of Kingsville ISD Grading Guidelines 2021-2022; understanding this will help you make wise decisions
For each quarter, I will take 12 minor grades and 3 major grades. Minor grades are worth 60% of the quarter and major grades are worth 40%. This means that in a 100 point scale each minor grade is worth 5 points, and each major grade is worth 13.3 points.
Major grades will be tests, essays, and projects. Minor grades will include daily work, quizzes, response paragraphs, graphic organizers, etc. Rigor and length or time for assignment determines whether assignment is valued as a major or minor grade.