Kingsville Independent School District

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Welcome to Kingsville ISD!! Once a Brahma, Always a Brahma!
Harvey Jet UIL Club » UIL Events

UIL Events

Music Memory- enjoys music and has great memorization skills (3rd and 4th Grade)

Spelling-Minimal trouble spelling..does well on weekly spelling tests. (3rd and 4th Grade)

Number Sense-Excellent math skills (4th Grade)

Oral Reading and Storytelling-Very animated and not shy in front of an audience. Oraal Reading (4th Grade) Storytelling (2nd and 3rd Grade) 

Creative Writing-Loves to write stories and has a great imagination. (2nd Grade)

Ready Writing- Enjoys Writing and is good with details. (3rd and 4th Grade)

Art-enjoys art and has great memorization skills  (4th Grade)