Kingsville Independent School District

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Food Services » Food Services

Food Services

Our Mission: We are here to prepare and serve high quality, nutritious meals that fuel up our students, staff and guests for success. 

Services Provided:
*Breakfast in the Classroom ( School Breakfast Program)
*National School Lunch Program
*Online Menus

Department Goals: 
On average, the Food Service Department prepares and serves over 50,000 school lunches and more than 6,000 school breakfasts every month.

Smart Snacks In Schools Product Calculator
Take the guess work out of your day! Our Smart Snacks Product Calculator will help you determine
if your product meets the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards.

Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer

P-EBT helps families buy food.


September 17, 2021


P-EBT Message to Schools: SY 2021-2022

USDA has announced that Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) assistance will be available during the 2021-2022 school year for children who have lost access to free or reduced-price meals at school due to the public health emergency.


Click on the following links to access USDA guidance for SY 2021-2022 P-EBT:


Policy Memo

School Year 2021-2022 Q&A


While NSLP-participating schools have the option to serve free meals to all students this school year through the Seamless Summer Option, P-EBT fills a critical gap for children who qualify for free or reduced-price meals under standard NSLP rules but are not able to access meals at school because of COVID. Therefore, schools should continue to make the NSLP Form available to families that wish to establish their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals.


At this time, Texas is evaluating options for how school campuses and districts will report COVID-related closures for families to be eligible for a direct P-EBT benefit issuance. Additional guidance will be provided in the coming weeks.


Currently, schools do not need to take any action to notify families about the availability of the P-EBT benefit. More information will be provided to families and eligible campuses in the coming months.


If you would like to provide feedback on this process, please send an email indicating your interest to participate in a working group to [email protected]. Signing up to participate does not guarantee an invitation.

October 8, 2021
Below is some important information for our KISD families, regarding the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (PEBT) program. The guidance is excerpted from the website of the Health and Human Services Commission, who is responsible for the program, along with TDA and TEA.